Accord Software, Inc.

AccordSTAR Ordering Information

You can order AccordSTAR software for following platforms.

Item Part Number Product Description Operating System CPU Price
1 GEN-S1PX-SPRC AccordSTAR Generator Solaris 1.X / SunOS 4.1.X SPARC 2,495
2 GEN-S2PX-SPRC Solaris 2.X / SunOS 5.X 2,495
3 GEN-S2PX-INTL Intel/X86 2,495
4 MGR-S1PX-SPRC AccordSTAR Manager Solaris 1.X / SunOS 4.1.X SPARC 4,975
5 MGR-S2PX-SPRC Solaris 2.X / SunOS 5.X 4,975
6 MGR-S2PX-INTL Intel/X86 4,975
7 LIC-S1PX-SPRC AccordSTAR Licenser Solaris 1.X / SunOS 4.1.X SPARC 4,975
8 LIC-S2PX-SPRC Solaris 2.X / SunOS 5.X 4,975
9 LIC-S2PX-INTL Intel/X86 4,975

All prices are in U.S. Dollars and are subject to change without notice.

If you have any questions, please contact us.
[P-084] Updated March 14, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Accord Software, Inc. All rights reserved.